Autonomous publications

Photospheres – Edgar Lissel and Claus Stolz
With a text by Paul Brakmann (german and english)
Edgar Lissel and Claus Stolz respond to the postmedial state in which photography has since found itself. In an archaeological manner, they excavate the foundations of a photographic that has transformed from a technical medium into a knowledge formation. In doing so, they do not use photography primarily as a means to reproduce external reality; instead, setting out from elementary phenomena of the becoming and perception of the photographic image, they explore that mysterious aspect of withdrawal, which had already fascinated Niépce and Talbot at the historical origin of photography. Just as the boundary between art and science became blurred in the practice of these two historical pioneers of photography, Lissel and Stolz also use aesthetic means for their research, and nature once again repeatedly appears in the role of an actively productive potency.
Paul Brakmann
Edited by Edgar Lissel and Claus Stolz
The catalog Photospheres is published on the occasion of the exhibition Lichtecht – Edgar Lissel and Claus Stolz
20.03. – 20.06.2021, PORT25 – Raum für Gegenwartskunst Mannheim, Germany

RESET THE APPARATUS! A Survey of the Photographic and the Filmic in Contemporary Art
With contributions by:
Hubertus von Amelunxen, Alejandro Bachmann, Andy Birtwistle, Gustav Deutsch, Barnaby Dicker, David Gatten, Sandra Gibson, Ruth Horak, Nina Jukić, Gabriele Jutz, Kim Knowles, Edgar Lissel, Miklós Peternák, Luis Recoder, Rosângela Rennó , Hanna Schimek, Ferdinand Schmatz, Elke Seeger, Gebhard Sengmüller, Jonathan Walley (english)
This publication documents the results of the arts-based FWF/PEEK research project RESET THE APPARATUS! A Survey of the Photographic and the Filmic in Contemporary Art (2016 – 2019).
It features, among others, collaborative contributions by artists and scholars, as well as a selection of artworks from the CORPUS. Using the example of artists’ practices that are motivated by the idea of the photographic and/or the cinematic but do not necessarily lead to photographs or films, the book shows how, in multiple ways, the display tool – the apparatus – can be explored, taken apart, reflected, modified, and newly arranged.
Ed. Edgar Lissel, Gabriele Jutz, Nina Jukic, published by DeGruyter
You can order the publication here (published by De Gruyter, Edition Angewandte).
ISBN 978-3-11-063068-8

Risse im Gehirnkino – Begegnungen mit Natura Naturans – Edgar Lissel
With a text by Claudia Weinzierl (german and english)
Our world is formed by an obsession with the explanatory and the empiricist gain of knowledge. We spend our lives in a cinema of the mind. And it keeps running and running. Only when we cease the pursuit, immerse ourselves and open up to the unexpected and the unknown contemplatively, can we recognize the ruptures. Once we accept these ruptures, we are able to look further. What is happening beyond? What can we detect?
Claudia Weinzierl
The publication accompanying the exhibition Edgar Lissel – Risse im Gehirnkino – Begegnungen mit Natura Naturans at Photo Edition Berlin in April 2017 was edited by Gunther Dietrich, Tomás Rodrígez and published by Photo Edition Berlin.

Vom Werden und Vergehen der Bilder – Edgar Lissel
With texts by Inge Nevole, Hubertus von Amelunxen, Martin Hochleitner and Claudia Weinzierl (german and english)
Edgar Lissel’s critical approach reveals new and altered ways of seeing. The unconventional perspectives and vantage points of his images surprise us; they seem illusory and manipulative.
In his stagings of the phenomena of light, space, and time the artist achieves fascinating and enigmatic images of the moment, which endure as relicts of a world that cannot always be completely explained.
Inge Nevole
This publication gives a comprehensive impression in the artist’s work with the camera obscura, light sensitiv bacteria, light memory installations and furthermore.
Ed. Inge Nevole, Edgar Lissel, published by Schlebrügge.Editor Vienna
ISBN 978-3-85160-139-8
The english version is available only digital, not printed.

EDGAR LISSEL – Räume / Rooms 1996-2000
With texts by Wolfgang Vomm and Gerhard Graulich (german and english)
Living spaces including the furniture and vitrines in museums together with their exhibits were converted into a pinhole camera. The camera obscura picture -seen upside down due to the way the pinhole camera works- also simultaneously shows the silhouettes of the objects.
This method combines two different exposure techniques: Simultaneously, the photogram and the photographic image of the camera obscura follow their own optical laws.
The publication accompanying the exhibition Edgar Lissel – Räume at the Städtische Galerie Villa Zanders Bergisch Gladbach in November 2000 was published by EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, Carl Aigner, Elisabeth Konrath, Petra Schröck
ISBN 3-9501157-3-1

Illusion der Macht – Berlin 1933-1945
NS-Bauten fotografiert mit der Camera obscura von Edgar Lissel
With a text by Dieter Bartetzko (german)
In October 1994 a journey to various architectures of National Socialism – an examination of Hitler’s monumental architecture began. In his early work the artist experimented with the camera obscura. He converted a truck into a pinhole camera. The dark vault without a correcting lens produced direct depictions of its real environment: focused through a tiny hole, lights rays were directed into an otherwise darkened space. Large format photographic paper mounted opposite to the opening captured the light rays. The result was upside-down negative images; light becomes shadow, shadows shine in blazing light.
The publication accompanying the exhibition Illusion der Macht at the Aedes East Gallery (Hackesche Höfe Berlin) in September 1995 was published by Kristin Feireiss, Gallery Aedes
Publications including works by Edgar Lissel
Open Arts Journal
issue 7, summer 2019
Striking Textures, Sensuous Surfaces in Photography and Film
by Gabriele Jutz
Ed. Tilo Reifenstein and Liz Mitchell, ISSN 2050-3679
No. 97, 2017
RESET THE APPARATUS! Reconfiguring the Photographic and the Cinematic
by Nina Jukić, Gabriele Jutz, Edgar Lissel
Hrsg. Österreichisches Institut für Photographie und Medienkunst (ÖIP), ISBN 978-3-902250-89-6
(german and english)
Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft
Schnittstellen. Wissenschaft und Kunst im Dialog
Band 6, 2015
Grenzgänge zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst
Aus Höhlen und Petrischalen
Bilder in Versuchsanordnungen zwischen wissenschaftlicher Methode und künstlerischen Strategien
von Edgar Lissel
Hrsg. Otto Neumaier, Lit Verlag Wien, ISBN 978-3-643-50693-1
Aus der Fliegenperspektive
Facetten der Fotografie als theoretisches Objekt
von Marcel Finke
Hrsg. Steffen Siegel
Jonas Verlag Marburg, ISSN 0720-5260
Der Tagesspiegel
Die neue Dimension des Unheimlichen
von Horst Bredekamp und Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
Im Kosmos der Fotografie
Lokaltermin bei Edgar Lissel
von Torsten Scheid
Hrsg. Denis Brudna, ISSN 1612-4413
Art in the Age of Technoscience
Bacteria, Art, and Talbot’s Heirs
by Ingeborg Reichle
Ed. Ingeborg Reichle
Springer Verlag Wien, ISBN 978-3-211-78160-9
volume 41, issue 5, 10.2008
The Return of Images: Photographic Inquiries into the Interaction of Light
by Edgar Lissel
(peer reviewed article)
Ed. Roger F. Malina
Pub. MIT Press San Francisco, ISSN 0024-094X
No. 62, 2008
Edgar Lissel – Verortung und Verwandlung
von Claudia Weinzierl
Hrsg. Österreichisches Institut für Photographie und Medienkunst (ÖIP), ISBN 978-3-902250-37-7
(german and english)
Die Arbeiten von Edgar Lissel
von Marie Luise Knott
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Besuchen Sie Europa, solange es noch steht
von Dieter Bartetzko
No. 39, 08./09.2003
Aus Licht wird Blau: Edgar Lissels Algenbilder
von Frank Keil
Hrsg. Nikolaus Gelpke, ISBN 3-936543-29-1
L.A. Galerie Frankfurt
Bakterium – oder von der Übersetzung des Photo- in das Biographische
von Hubertus von Amelunxen zur Ausstellungseröffnung in der L.A. Galerie in Frankfurt am Main
art Magazin
Spurensicherung mit der rollenden Wunderkammer
von Silke Müller
Gruner & Jahr Hamburg
Wiener Zeitung
Wir sehen uns unter dem Ikarus
Zum fotografischen Projekt „Città del Duce“ von Edgar Lissel
von Margarethe Lasinger