2021 – 2022
Through touch, an act focused on the tactile is placed at the center of attention…
Natura facit saltus |
2011 – 2017
As the result of ongoing processes, these objects are a fixation of a moment that contains everything that…
Leafs were plucked, chopped, pestled in a mortar with ethanol solution – ephemeral becomes the central topic…
2016 – 2019
Artists and scholars investigate artistic practices motivated by the idea of the photographic and the filmic…
anima vitae |
2015 – 2016
The monastery library of the Benedictine Abbey in Admont (AT) was infested with various types of insects…
In the Process of Touching – Interrelated Reactions |
2012 – a not-yet-realized project
An installation for an experiment on behavior investigates the relationship between…
Passagen |
2010 – 2011
The first inspiration for this work is owed to the rich wealth of imagery of the Mithras Cult of antiquity…
Sphaera Incognita |
2006 – 2008
Films in this series originate from cooperations with scientists in the fields of archeology, microbiology…
Mnemosyne II |
2006 – 2008
In a darkened room – thin strips, alternating between mirror surfaces and luminescent afterglow pigments…
Myself II |
2007 – 2010
My body’s own bacteria dried on linen sheets. The presentation generates cultural-historical references…
Bacterium – Natura Viva |
Canvases coated with light-sensitive bacteria cultures and exposed directly in a camera obscura – views into nature…
Domus Aurea |
Bacteria are destroying frescoes in the Domus Aurea, the same bacteria are employed to create a new image world…
Myself |
2005 – 2008
Human skin is a habitat for various kinds of bacteria cultures. An imprint of my body in an agar nutrient…
Mnemosyne I |
2003 – 2007
A walk-in container, light enters through a lens onto fluorescent color pigments – interrupted by a shutter…
The Way into the Light |
The central theme, cyanobacteria’s movement towards light, is observed under the microscope and filmed….
Bacterium – Vanitas |
2000 – 2001
Cyano bacteria migrate to light, the decay of the original is juxtaposed with the emergence of the image…
Bacterium – Self-Testimonials |
1999 – 2001
Cyano bacteria moving towards light, microscopic images of the bacteria, a “super sign” of themselves…
1999 – 2000
Cyanobacteria, due to photo-tactical properties tend toward the light. A negative of a submarine bunker…
Rooms of Glass |
1999 – 2002
Vitrines in museums with their exhibits are covered with black cloth, turning them into a camera obscura…
Light Images in Water |
Light not only falls directly onto paper – the rays also refract in the water and reflect on water’s surface…
Rooms – Photographic Deconstructions |
1995 – 1997
The room is completely dark; light only falls through a tiny hole onto the large sheet of photo paper…
Houses of God |
A truck converted into a pinhole camera, churches across Germany, transparent film, referencing diaphaneity…
Illusion of Power |
1994 – 1995
A journey to Hitler’s monumental architecture, truck as camera obscura, Speer’s Cathedral of Light…
Città del Duce II |
1993 Pinhole camera, my car as a darkroom, developing and fixing the exposures on site, enter the crypt of Mussolini …
Città del Duce |
Architecture of the Mussolini era, a truck converted into a pinhole camera, theatrical stagesets void of humans…